Friday, March 8, 2019

Field Trip Reports: The Jordan River

(We have asked our children to prepare field trip reports for our trip--they are doing these all on their own, so keep that in mind as you read!)

Jordan River (Yum, age 8)

The Jordan River is the most important river of Israel. It passes through the Huleh Valley (the waters of Merom), then goes down to the Sea of Galilee, 682 feet below the level of the Med. Passing out at the south end of the lake, the river makes its way through a deep and very hot valley, 66 miles in length, called the Arabah, and finally enters the Dead Sea. The two most important events that happened are (1) this is the way the children of Israel came into the promised land by crossing the Jordan river after escaping from Egypt. (2) this is where Jesus was baptized. The Jordan river is 50 to 200 feet deep. As you can see, the Jordan river is a very important part of Israel.

jordan river photo

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Field Trip Reports: the Via Dolorosa

(We have asked our children to prepare field trip reports for our trip--they are doing these all on their own, so keep that in mind as you read!)

The Via Dolorosa (Hebs, age 10)

Location, history, and backstory

The Via Dolorosa is near a place where Jesus walked on his way to being crucified. The Via Dolorosa is where some people (mostly bad and wrongly accused) were crucified. Crucifixion is when a bad person (other than Jesus and good people) are hung on crosses there feet and hands are nailed to a cross and then there is a little pad where people can rest a little but if they want to drink, they have to reach for a drink of vinegar in a sponge (I know, this is very gruesome, it's true though)

This is part of the Via Dolorosa (not a place where Jesus was crucified) there are other places like the Via Dolorosa but this one looks cool. This is not really the Via Dolorosa, it probably feel apart a long time ago, this is a replica the locations of the Via Dolorosa is in Jerusalem by: Temple Mount, Jewish Quarter, Armenian Quarter, Christian Quarter and the Muslim Quarter.

Temple Mount, a place around the Via Dolorosa. This is a place around the Via Dolorosa, it is a place where all sorts of people hold meetings, consoles and other things. Jesus went to the temple multiple times. 

This is the Christian Quarter (look at the pigeons!) this place is where lots of people lived and maybe Jesus walked through...

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Field Trip Reports: The Garden of Gethsemane

(We have asked our children to prepare field trip reports for our trip--they are doing these all on their own, so keep that in mind as you read!)

The Garden of Gethsemane (Em, age 13)

The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus was before He was captured and crucified. It sits at the foot of the Mount of Olives. The word "Gethsemane" itself means "oil-press". The garden is very frequently visited by many people from around the world.